As I walked to the Comercial Mexicana to buy some cleaning supplies for the aseo lady, my mind began to wander from counting all the passersby wearing cubrebocas in the street to a posting I had made a month or so ago about the use of Spanish in mainstream media in the U.S. I realized that what I had done ultimately was exclude Telemundo, Univisión and other Spanish media outlets from the "mainstream," which silences the voz and poder of the Spanish-speaking community in the U.S.
I do, however, still believe that networks which broadcast predominantly in the English language need to offer a better representation linguistically of U.S. society especially by including characters for whom code-switching is an integral part of their every-day life.
*J_C* just wanted to tell you that i love your approach to your writing. i dont know if you ever ran across this show which was on galavision this new back in the day network showed a Cuban family with a first generation kids who spoke, both English and Cuban Spanish, like you were saying you would like to here more of. i think the show is from the late 80's not sure what its called, (after an hr of searching through you tube and google for programs on Galavision I finally succeeded. the name of the show is "Que pasa USA" and its from the 70's not the 80's like i said before. check it out, this is what i would like my tv to be, bilingual
*J_C* ignore the Letterman's sketch and jump to the next clip proves ur point
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